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Meet The Team


Get To Know Me

My passion for dogs started at an early age. The desire to be a leading professional in the dog industry quickly became my primary focus. I enjoy training, showing, and breeding to strengthen and preserve the Doberman breed. I breed for quality over quantity and am extremely selective with what dogs I produce and include in my program. My Dobermans are bred for structurally well-rounded dogs that have a sound temperament, high intellect, and a strong drive to perform at high levels. AKC obedience and protection sports are currently my primary training focus.     

Robin Belor

Get To Know Me

Growing up I spent majority of my free time in the yard, my childhood home, friends homes, and parks training dogs. As an adult that didn't change much! I am a part time adventurer so I love to take my dogs kayaking, camping, and hiking.  I have trained and raised dogs/puppies since 2011.  In 2015 I started handling and showing various breeds in AKC and started whelping professionally for other breeders. I spent these years training for clients as well as working with rescue dogs in order to rehabilitate them so they had better chances finding forever homes. Dog training is my passion because I love being able to help close the gap on communication between pets and their owners. I believe dogs can help tremendously with mental health and want to help with bridging the gap of every family having a pet! Pet Training, AKC obedience, and sports are currently my primary training focus.     

Roger Aguilar

Get To Know Me

As a teen I became fond of dogs and mostly interested in dog bite sports. I began watching and learning the dog sports I was mostly interested in. Seminars and finding the right mentor started my path to learning dog training. I trained for fun and as a hobby before I joined the Army. After serving in the Army and becoming a veteran I decided it was time to conquer my new goal in life which is professional dog training and decoy work. Now on a daily basis you can find me doing PSA Decoying and personal protection work. Becoming a certified decoy in multiple bite sports and continuing growing my knowledge in how to best develop personal protection dogs and bit sport dogs is currently my primary training focus.  

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